Rebuilding: a story of friendship and intentionality

5EC0F016-28C9-4FE5-83AC-4FBEC2B32D06Tyrone and Marcus had been best friends since they were kids, but they had lost touch over the years. Tyrone was now a teenager, living with his family in a predominantly Black neighborhood in the city. He was a talented basketball player, but had been struggling with injuries and the pressures of college recruitment. Marcus, on the other hand, had moved away to pursue a career in music, and was now a successful producer living in Los Angeles.

One day, Tyrone was scrolling through his social media feed when he saw a post from Marcus. He hesitated at first, but eventually decided to reach out and message him. To his surprise, Marcus responded immediately, and they caught up on old times. As they chatted, Tyrone realized how much he had missed his friend and how much he had changed since they last spoke.

Over the next few weeks, Tyrone and Marcus exchanged messages and talked on the phone regularly. Tyrone shared his struggles with basketball and college applications, while Marcus talked about his work in the music industry. They laughed, reminisced, and supported each other through their challenges.

But as time went on, Tyrone began to feel like he wasn’t being fully present in his conversations with Marcus. He was distracted by his phone, his friends, and the pressures of his daily life. He realized that he needed to be more intentional in his friendship with Marcus if he wanted to rebuild their connection.

One day, he decided to take a break from his phone and go for a walk in the park. He brought a basketball with him, and started shooting hoops alone. As he played, he thought about his friendship with Marcus and how much it meant to him. He realized that he needed to be more intentional in his conversations, and to prioritize his friendship over his distractions.

The next time he talked to Marcus, he told him about his realization. Marcus was impressed and proud of Tyrone for recognizing the importance of being present and intentional in their friendship. From that day on, Tyrone made an effort to fully engage in his conversations with Marcus, to actively listen and support him, and to show up for their friendship in meaningful ways.

As they continued to reconnect, Tyrone and Marcus realized that their friendship had evolved, but that it was still strong and meaningful. They had both grown and changed, but their bond remained intact. They learned that being present and intentional in their friendship was the key to rebuilding their connection and sustaining it for the long haul.

In the end, Tyrone realized that the time he spent with Marcus was just as important as his basketball training or his college applications. He learned that prioritizing his friendships and being intentional in his relationships was the key to a fulfilling and successful life.